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SOLI is a piece which explores the relationship between individual identity and the dimension of work in contemporary society. It is also a reflection on a person’s capacity to make divergent choices in order to improve the living conditions for others.

SOLI plays on the thin border between fiction and reality, strengthening the connection between actors and spectators: forced to make a moral choice, spectators are encouraged to take a stand, bridging the gap between stage and audience.

SOLI delves into the identity of workers, both on stage and in the audience, creating a setting where the audience and characters face each other as if in a political assembly, referencing the interventionist theatre of Erwin Piscator, the Living Theatre’s vision of Pirandello and the first Relational Art works by Maria Lai.

SOLI, elaborating on the idea behind Pensaci, Giacomino! incorporates materials collected by the Ateliersi company in the course of many interviews, assemblies and public meetings on the topic of working conditions. It was this direct engagement with lived experiences which critically influenced their interpretation of the Pirandello story.

SOLI represents the second stage of the process of investigating and rewriting the works of Luigi Pirandello, which was started by Ateliersi in 2017 with In Your FaceThis is based on the need to explore the contradictions emerging in human relationships, and their extreme consequences, by projecting the anxieties, the ferocity and the determination of Pirandello onto the contemporary social context.



By and with: Fiorenza Menni e Andrea Mochi Sismondi
And with: Margherita Kay Budillon, Eugenia Delbue, Lorenzo Righi, Ester Silverio
Music composed and performed by: Vincenzo Scorza
Technical direction: Giovanni Brunetto
Communication and promotion: Tihana Maravic and Federica Patti
Organisation and administration: Elisa Marchese
Produced by : Ateliersi
Supported by: Comune di Bologna, Regione Emilia Romagna, MIBAC
Thanks to : Fratelli Broche, Friperie, Antica Bologna, Cerimoniale del Comune di Bologna
Photos: Giovanni Brunetto and Luca Del Pia


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