Panpot/Point of View / / workshop for interpretation and writing

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> in tour
curated by:
Fiorenza Menni


This workshop offers to the participants the landscape contemplation exercises in order to enable them to develop imaginative training which encourages the creation of autonomous forms of expression, following the construction of an autonomous creative method for being on stage.

The results of getting in touch with the images and the relationship established with the images, are the constant of our everyday lives and they are at the base of my creative practice. The workshop creates a space where it becomes possible to share the different reactive qualities and where to reschedule the distances that the devices allow us to build.

Different political areas converge in identifying the citizen as a sensor, whose participation in the public dynamics is substantiated by the observation of the existing and by the return to the community of one’s own point of view. Platforms that enable the sharing of results of the gaze (images, videos and thoughts) proliferate.

What are you thinking about? We are asked.
How and what are we looking at? We wonder.
What action arises from cultivating our gaze? These questions are asked by the identity that we have chosen.

This workshop is developed through the study of the narrative form as a place in which the ego identifies itself with the mechanisms of its own receptivity and its choice of narration.

Participants will be asked to explore some of the strategic places of the city: places where culture and social relations are produced. Afterwards, they will go back to rehearsal room with a new “me”, maybe because the “increased” reality is not a technology device but an addition to the subjective context that hosts the crossing.

The adherence to oneself, that is the concentration of the performer, is the tool that allows him/her to write on a burning paper, an expression of Pasolinian attraction for cinema that we use daily in order to get ready for playwriting.

The transition from contemplation to description, generates the focus of one’s political identity and its projection in theatre action for the creation of a creative gesture that is autonomous but not extraneous.


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