A Human Figure Manual / / A Layout Set-up

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A Human Figure Manual. A Layout Set-up
a project by Marta Dell’Angelo and Fiorenza Menni
curated by Nosadella.due and Ateliersi 

A Human Figure Manual. A Layout Set-up is a scenic action built around a mise en œuvre of a layout taken from the artist’s book Manuale della figura umana [A Human Figure Manual], created in 2007 by Marta Dell’Angelo. It is a mise en scene of a page. It is a mise en place of theme of enjoyment and contemplation. It is a mise en partage of a special and stolen time. It is a mise en temp of an artwork: an animated (theatrical) work that ends with the start of an inanimate work (of art), with the wall installation of the layout.

The dramaturgy, by Fiorenza Menni, explores dynamics and rhythms of what precedes the artwork analyzing the methods and techniques usually used by Dell’Angelo. The focal point of this scenic writing is a decomposition* of dimensions and rhythms sought from the reality, in the development and further refinement of the gaze divided in gazes, so that this re-fined decomposition becomes a proposition, a point of view, a new composition.

In the artist book there are textual parts that function as “images” next to the images themselves. Once the installation is complete, the text portions will be overlapped through vocal interpretation, determining the location/time of contemplation. This sound environment will be at the discretion of each individual spectator during the fruition time, each one will determine the time which is deemed necessary for the contemplation of the installation.

«It was very interesting, when, during the first working session, we both found to have imagined that the artistic discipline of reference of the other could be a development opportunity for our own. As if by comparison with the actual construction work of visual art, theatrical action could find a place to develop and propose interpretations that are closer to the actions of the real. As if the installation of the work, referring to a series of actions defined through a dramaturgy, could free itself from the typical mode of use that we find inside museums or galleries. A striving for interdisciplinarity felt as necessary for the vitalization of the respective fields of action» (M. Dell’Angelo, F. Menni)

* A term “decomposition” is here meant as the antonym of a term “composition”, as the process of separating an organic whole into its constituent parts, and not as the organic process of decaying.


A Human Figure Manual. A Layout Set-up – First Studio
by Marta Dell’Angelo e Fiorenza Menni
 Giovanni Brunetto, Marta Dell’Angelo, Muna Mussie, Alessandro Vuozzo
sound design
 Enrico Mariottino
technical direction 
Giovanni Brunetto
curated by
 Ateliersi and Nosadella.due

A Human Figure Manual. A Layout Set-up – Second Studio
by Marta Dell’Angelo e Fiorenza Menni
Giovanni Brunetto, Marta Dell’Angelo, Ivana Fall, Marco Pasqualicchio, Linda Rigotti, Alessandro Vuozzo
sound design
 Enrico Mariottino
technical direction Giovanni Brunetto
curated by Ateliersi e Nosadella.due
photo by Luca Del Pia

on stage

10-12.09.2015 Short Theatre, Roma
28-29.01.2016 Atelier Sì, Bologna

press release
photo gallery

ph: Luca Del Pia