Freedom of Thought

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Fiorenza Menni / Freedom of Thought
3° cycle: each Monday from 9 May to 13 June 2016, 18.30-21.30
2° cycle: each Monday from 8 February to 21 March 2016, 18.30-21.30
1° cycle: each Monday from 2 November to 14 dicembre 2015, 18.30-21.30

theatre workshop
cost of one cycle: 100€/70€
info:, 329 0898 744

Fiorenza Menni is an actress and theatre author. She is the President and Artistic Director of the cultural Association Ateliersi. Her production is defined by original dramaturgy and texts of philosophical and aesthetical thoughts. She is in charge of actor’s training through workshops involving acting’s contextual and sentimental precision, using specific elements of her own theatrical  and acting research. She founded Teatrino Clandestino and worked as an actress for Teatro delle Albe and Fanny & Alexander. She currently collaborates with artists and performers coming from different artistic and scientific disciplines, and works as an actor’s trainer with Michèle Jean Bruyere (Sup de Sub. Formations pour Être à la liberté). In 2007 she was awarded the Eleonora Duse Award – Honorable Mention Best Actress.

This is a training course on stage presence, that consists in technically scouring what there is (inside us) after we choose to get involved. It is a processing chamber, where people can approach their expressive power of reality interpretation through a radical observation of the ordinary, natural, urban as well as anatomic and imaginary elements. Learning how to use our voice and breath and how to move in a different and new way also means changing the level of self-perception even in the ordinary things. Conceiving and practicing new gestures generates a different way of thinking and consequently suggests the birth of something new and autonomous.

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